Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Frustration of Replacing Car Keys!

Well, if you ever lost your car keys, in todays modern computerized security, you'll probably take a trip to what I call, "replacement key #ell"!

Well, not noticing until it was too late I discovered that the key ring, containing my wife's spare keys, was missing, along with the remote starter and keyless entry fobs.


Well, after many phone calls to varioius locations that I believe they could have been lost at, I started the tedious process of finding out how much! All I can say is, "thank God for letting ones finger do the walking!"

All in all, with a keyless entry available on line (self programming), I'm looking at $200. Yeah, that stinks, but it could have been allot more if I wouldn't have Googled for the keyless fob. You can get more about that here or here.

I figured the most important thing is the replacement key... don't want to be caught losing the master key!

Upon searching Google, I noted that there was some recent legislation proposed in the state of California attempting to try and make such proprietary (read that, expensive) info, is more accessible and therefore cheaper!

Well, until then, I guess I'll be ordering those parts and making my plans to leave work a little early next week!

6-31-07 UPDATE

Well, here's one for the road, I found my keys.

It seems that in anticipation of potentially losing the keys, I decided to place them in my glove compartment of the SUV.

Moral: Look around better and don't second guess yourself!

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