Saturday, April 15, 2006

Judas, Jesus and The Easter Bunny

With this upcoming Easter, there seems to be more questions going 0n about the Christian faith than actually enjoying the season! With the recent release of the so called "Gospel of Judas", which actually suggest Judas was just being obedient in the betrayal, you wonder what the motive behind such a documet really is!

Far from being an arch-traitor, the “Gospel of Judas” portrays Judas as singled-out by Jesus for a special revelation above and beyond that given to his other disciples. According to this “gospel” Jesus says to Judas “You will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.” Salvation was to be obtained through secret knowledge of the kind that Jesus imparted only to Judas.

In our opinion, this really does a disservice not only to Christians, but to all those who are searching for the truth. It is simply not true, as the article suggests, that the “Gospel of Judas” offered a dissenting form of Christianity. Instead, it was a text of the Gnostics, whose religion predated Christianity by several hundred years. The article also omits other key pieces of information, as when it called Elaine Pagels, a “Professor of Religion at Princeton University,” but failed to tell its readers that Pagels’s writings have been called the single greatest force drawing people to modern Gnosticism. Pagels has also stated that the book the “Da Vinci Code” raises interesting questions about early Christianity, and that some of the ideas in Dan Brown’s book are substantiated by early Gnostic texts.

What is most disturbing about all this is that Gnosticism, far from being just another New Age religion, belongs to the darkest fringe elements of the occult, and relegates God and Jesus Christ to the lowest rung of the spiritual hierarchy. While Jesus is no longer God, every man is said to be his own divinity; and at the top of the spiritual ladder of the Gnostic religion is the figure of Lucifer – and hence Judas is made into the hero of Holy Week. The Kennebec Journal and all the other media outlets in Maine simply fall in line, and wittingly or unwittingly, spread the occult message of Gnosticism.

The “Gospel of Judas” shows all the signs of being just another literary hoax. Judas, having immediately hanged himself after betraying Jesus would have had little time and absolutely no inclination to give a detailed account of his conversations with Jesus. And the manuscript, which remained undiscovered for nearly two thousand years was conveniently “discovered” just as a wave of interest in New Age religion, including Gnosticism, was sweeping the globe.

The hoax relies a great deal on the suggestibility of the American public, coming as it does, in the week before Easter and only a few short weeks before the release of the Da Vinci Code. Christians will question the “Gospel of Judas,” while non-Christians, will accept it uncritically. The financial motive for publicizing the discovery of “The Gospel of Judas” is also obvious, since it will create even more interest in the soon to be released movie.

Although it is highly offensive to portray Judas as a type of hero in the week leading up to Good Friday and Easter, it is as least entirely consistent with the system of values set forth in the mass media, a twisted system of values which makes celebrities out of petty criminals, dope-addicted rock stars, and tin pot dictators, but relentlessly badgers the Christian Civic League and the type of citizen who supports it. It is only fitting that those who portray good as evil and evil as good should offer Judas as a hero.

It's the Easter Bunny -- Charlie!

It seems that Christianity is getting hit harder and harder! Here's some interesting Easter questions that Christians are now coming across:

What do colored eggs and the Easter rabbit have to do with Jesus Christ's resurrection?

How did these seemingly irreligious symbols come to be associated with that event?

Can we find any historical or biblical record of Jesus or His disciples keeping Easter or teaching parents and children to dye eggs and display bunnies on this holiday?

Did Jesus or His apostles instruct any of His followers to meet to honor His resurrection at sunrise on Easter Sunday—or at any other time, for that matter?

Find these and their interesting answers here:

Now, I'm not a member of this particular organization, but they do give you much food for thought.

Any post replies would be welcomed!

Rob G.

Google, this is NOT a "SPLOG" and never has been, thanks!


Anonymous said...

Yea, good articles...

Funny how Google's "bots" are marking all kinds of Blogger Blogs as "Splogs". Guess their getting hot about all of the REAL splogs out there!


Sophia Sadek said...

Thanks for the posting.

I think you have the gnostic perspective a bit off key. In the gnostic tradition, Lucifer is the Christian god. That is, Christians worship the Antichrist.

This makes sense given the writings of the Church Fathers. They define their god as the creator of matter and as a supreme being. That is why Christians are materialists and supremacists.

Lucifer didn't really create matter. He just wants you to think he did.