Saturday, November 25, 2006

Saying Merry Christmas

Well, with much being said about various religions living in peace, I recall just hearing that Wal-Mart employees are going to be permitted to say, "Merry Christmas"! Thats a change from the ban from their corpoarte office last year!

For joy!

Well, at least it will be allowed for those who's convictions warrant the overtly christian gestrue. The fact is when I was growing up in the 70's, all I recall is everyone saying Merry Christmas. What's up with this secularization of our holidays anyway? I see you, A-C-L-U!

Perhaps we all should say, Happy "Rama-Hanu-Kwanz-Mas!"
That should make everyone happy, hmmm?

Well, as far as that goes they still managed to remove Christ, the Lord. You know, O Come Let Us Adore Him" is removed from the public schools, which censor to sing any overtly Christian carols in the name of political correctness.

These songs will most likely fade into oblivion and a whole generation will miss out on the true meaning of the season.

Oh, well. Hey, didn't someone say, Merry Christmas? Ok, here goes, "Merry Christman!

I do plan on saying that more!

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