Fat and Pork Bellies... is what comes to mind when attempting to draw to a conclusion as to what the news media has attempted to gloss over for their savior. You draw the conclusion as to WHO that is...
Anyways... read on:
The House Democrats’ trillion dollar spending bill, approved on January 21 by the Appropriations Committee and headed to the House floor next week for a vote, could open billions of taxpayer dollars to left-wing groups like the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
ACORN has been accused of perpetrating voter registration fraud numerous times in the last several elections; is reportedly under federal investigation; and played a key role in the irresponsible schemes that caused a financial meltdown that has cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars since last fall.
Yep, ok ACORN stands to get billions from Democrats' trillion dollar spending plan. Specifically the "job creation" bill offers a Taxpayer-Funded Bonanza for an organization repeatedly under Federal investigations!!
Here are a few facts. First, this bill is the single largest expenditure our country has ever made. Over $800 billion will be spent. When you factor in the interest that will be paid it will cost our country over $1 trillion! This is real money that will have to be paid through taxes on you, me, our children and grandchildren.
Second, this bill has NO chance of turning around our economy. We have documented this with our many recent guests on Point of View.
Third, bill is full of liberal pork and political payback. House Republican Leader John Boehner recently said: "the Democrats' bill makes groups like ACORN eligible for a $4.19 billion pot of money for 'neighborhood stabilization activities.''
If you have any doubts about how much pork is in this bill, let me share just a few of the items included:
$79 billion to bail out states who have overspent
$30 billion for COBRA extensions
$20 billion for food stamps
$89 billion for Medicare
$1.7 billion for the National Park System
$55 million for the Historic Preservation Fund
$7.6 billion for "rural community advancement programs"
The list goes on and on with dozens of items receiving billions of dollars that will do nothing to "stimulate" the economy. In fact, many of them will have the opposite effect.
Please call your senators now before this comes up for a vote and encourage at least ten of your friends to do so as well.
Please be willing to get involved and make a difference for the future of our country by contacting you elected officials, in any form. As a matter of fact, I urge you to call both of your senators right now to let them know exactly what you think about this bill - - then encourage at least ten of your friends to do the same thing.
Time is running out so please stop and call right now. The number to reach your senators is (202) 224-3121. If you have trouble getting through you can send an email through the senate website at http://www.senate.gov/.
The Goulet Times Staff...
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