Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Cashless System To Come?

In his recent article, Will Gold Be Currency Or Will Cash Be Illegal?, Daniel Amerman points out the historical trend that is already repeating itself before our eyes.

"Many are unaware, as they usually just take the bullet items of the daily newscasts, that the health care reforme has far reaching consequences into how the US Gov'g will be controlling finacial transactions.

For some time now, in the name of the "Wars" against drugs and terrorism, banks have been required to report to the federal government any transactions involving more than $10,000 in cash, or even any pattern of transactions that may make it look like that is the eventual goal.

There are broad changes to US reporting requirements that were snuck into the health-care reform legislation, that will be making life more difficult for small businesses and entrepreneurs in particular. Form 1099-Misc will become more ubiquitous, giving the government far more information about the flow of money between individuals, even as it imposes new compliance burdens for anyone trying to help the economy recover. The new 1099-K will have to be filed by all payment processors (such as credit cards companies) for any company or individual who receives more than $20,000 annually in at least 200 individual electronic payments. This is the future of electronic cash in the United States, and this is what is already here."

IF you have anykind of stocks in gold or silver the time may be ripe to move it to a phsical holdings solution. Get all the coins you can and hold them for the future rainy days that may soon be uppn us.

You can read the rest of this very interesting article here:

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